Don’t Just Show Up On The Good Days. Learn To Show Up On Your Worst Days & You’re Winning Against 95% Of Others

5 Tools Creators Can Use To Show Up Even On The Hard Days

Ev Chapman
6 min readMar 2, 2022

Creators who master showing up daily are winning against 95% of everyone else.

Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash

Except showing up daily is hard. There are a million other things that want our attention. And when we’re starting out it’s hard to see where all this ‘creating’ is going. Plenty of people in my real life asked me that question.

They couldn’t see the long game plan.

But after a year of showing up, I’m now starting to see how all that showing up has paid off. I have grown a substantial audience on Twitter as well as my own newsletter. I have multiple paid products that bring in between $1k & $3k per month. And I have a heck of a lot of published words on the screen that are seen by thousands of people every day.

Except it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. There are hard days, days where I have no energy, days when life (& work) gets in the way. So I assembled a few tricks to help me show up even on the shitty days.

Let’s get into them…

Work A Little Overtime On Your Good Days



Ev Chapman

Personal Knowledge Coach. I Help Solopreneurs Turn Their Personal Knowledge into Profitable Ideas with a Tailored System That Transforms How They Think & Create