How I Used Tana To Do The Job 10x Better & More Efficiently Than A Human Assistant

I Replaced A Full Time Admin Assistant With AI

Ev Chapman
6 min readApr 26, 2024

Recently our admin assistant finished up with us. And rather than just hire someone again, I decided to see if I could replace the role purely with AI.

I’ve always taken the mindset that we should treat our tools like any other employee. If we’re going to pay them they should earn their keep.

One of the jobs that needed to be done each month is writing all the event descriptions for our monthly trainings. We have 12 trainings across three coaching programs each month. And each have a different topic.

Image Generated By Dall-e in Tana using the prompt: Before & After Image Of An AI Assistant Replacing A Human Assistant (And yes, Tana can generate AI images too!)

How this would usually go is…

  • I would write a brief about each topic.
  • She would create a description & headline
  • I would review & give any feedback
  • I’d approve them & she would post them in Circle.

It took her a good few hours and the whole process spanned days with back and forth.

With Tana AI I turned that multi-day process into a 20 minute job.



Ev Chapman

Personal Knowledge Coach. I Help Solopreneurs Turn Their Personal Knowledge into Profitable Ideas with a Tailored System That Transforms How They Think & Create